We got back from Ryan's stem cell treatments in Guangzhou on Dec 22, 2012. A family from Greece was also there getting treatments for their son with cerebral palsy. The mom sent me an email about what has happened since we left the Guangzhou hospital.
Here is her email: Dear Audrey and Ryan, We wish you a great and healthy 2013. We returned from China on the 3rd of January. We want to tell you that Panagiotis couldn't do his last stem cell IV, because Friday midnight on the 28th of December, the Chinese government shut the place down. Two persons came on our floor about midnight, they took all the posters about stem cell treatments from the walls,and with a hammer they took off the title "stem cell treatment ward" from the nurse station. In the next morning I asked a nurse what was going on and she told me "just redecoration". Sunday afternoon Beike director Enrico came over from Hong Kong and told us that someone who did stem cell treatment in another hospital and from another company who sells stem cells got really ill, and so the government shut all the places. We could do our last IV in Shenzen but we decided not to go because we had to leave at the same day for Greece. We definitely want to come back in the future. Greetings from us to all of you and lots of kisses from Panagiotis. This was posted on the Facebook page ONH and SOD Stem Cell Treatments:Our representative contacted us as well. We were told that the mayor of Guangzhou is no longer allowing stem cell treatment. After an investigation, a place there in Guangzhou was busted for false stem cells. It was in some beauty parlor from what I understood. They have a lot of problems with people trying to sell false stem cell treatments there so the mayor has done away with it all together because it has become so much of a headache. They are still offering it in two of their other locations; Shengzhen China or Bangkok Thailand. We were informed that Shengzhen is not accepting young children and that they are dedicated to non-English speakers.
When we were in Guangzhou I did a video interview of a mom from Canada and their stem cell success with her daughter Rosalie (8 year old blind girl). After her first 2 treatments (lumbar/IV together) she is seeing more light and now can see shadows/movement about 5-8 inches away. They put a Christmas tree up in the common room and she is fascinated with the Christmas lights. She can see them blinking, which she couldn't do before. Before the treatments she always had her chin to her chest because there was no reason to hold it up. She is now holding her head up by herself. Amazing!
All packed. Our flight is Dec 22, 2012 at 9:30 pm. After a 12 1/2 hour flight we will arrive in LA at 6 pm on Dec. 22, 2012. :) Rosalie and her mom. They are from Canada. They've already had improvements from the stem cell treatments. It takes an hour to travel to the airport. Here we are at the Guangzhou airport with Rita. One last goodbye photo. She just loved Ryan's tiger sweatshirt. Every time she saw it she would laugh. Syd and Lance picked us up at the Salt Lake City airport. Marc flew in from Atlanta about 30 minutes after we landed. We'll visit family in Utah for Christmas. | One last chicken nugget meal from McDonalds before we go to the airport. They put signs on all the doors of the people who have traveled to China to get stem cell treatment. This is Rosalie's name tag. The Guangzhou (Baiyun) International airport is HUGE! It had 4 levels and TALL palm trees growing inside the airport terminal. Back together again! Yay! |
We were able to spend Thanksgiving with family in Utah for the first time in the ten years since we moved away. We missed Syd and Lance, though. They spent Thanksgiving with Lance's family at Disneyland. We were able to see them last night. While they were gone we took care of their dog Atlas. Ryan had a good time taking him for a walk (or was it Atlas taking him for a walk?). That dog is strong! We now know firsthand why they use Huskies to pull sleds.
We leave tomorrow to go to China. Our flight goes from Salt Lake City to LA. Then we will fly from LA to Guangzhou. Even though we leave November 29, we will land in China on December 1st. There will be a van there waiting to take us to the hospital. Ryan and I will be staying there in the same room the whole time--from Dec 1-22. We have to provide our own food. They have a common area in the hospital with a microwave and hotplate so we are taking a suitcase of things that can be easily prepared in a microwave or just eaten without worrying about cooking.
Ryan Crozier and his mom are going to China for stem cell therapy Dec 1-22. On Sunday, Dec. 2, his family will be fasting for him to have success with the stem cell treatments. We invite you to join with us. We will keep you updated on our China trip on our blog at www.HelpRyanSee.com
Thanks everyone for all your help and encouragement! This is a dream come true!Would you like to know more about Fasting? Fasting is to voluntarily refrain from eating or drinking for the purpose of drawing closer to the Lord and requesting his blessings. Prayer is a necessary part of fasting. Throughout the scriptures, prayer and fasting are mentioned together. Our fasting should be accompanied by sincere prayer, and we should begin and end our fasting with prayer.
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today, one Sabbath day each month is set aside for the purpose of fasting. During this time, Church members go without food and water for twenty-four hours. They then contribute to the Church the money that they would have spent on food for those meals. This money is called a fast offering. The Church uses the fast offerings to assist the poor and needy. To help children understand fasting and prayer there is a story you can read them HERE. Fasting is mentioned many times in the scriptures listed below:
- We fasted and besought our God, Ezra 8:21–23, 31
- I fasted and prayed before the God of heaven, Neh. 1:4
- Fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink for three days, Esth. 4:16
- I humbled my soul with fasting, Ps. 35:13
- Is not this the fast that I have chosen?, Isa. 58:3–12
- I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer, with fasting, Dan. 9:3
- Turn ye to me with all your heart, and with fasting, Joel 2:12
- Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, Jonah 3:5
- Jesus fasted for forty days, Matt. 4:2 (Ex. 34:28; 1 Kgs. 19:8; Luke 4:1–2).
- Appear not unto men to fast, Matt. 6:18 (3 Ne. 13:16).
- This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting, Matt. 17:21
- Continue in fasting and praying, Omni 1:26 (4 Ne. 1:12).
- They began to fast, and to pray to the Lord their God, Mosiah 27:22
- I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things, Alma 5:46
- The children of God joined in fasting and mighty prayer, Alma 6:6
- The sons of Mosiah had given themselves to much prayer and fasting, Alma 17:3, 9
- A time of fasting and prayer followed the death of many Nephites, Alma 28:5–6
- They did fast much and pray much, Alma 45:1 (Hel. 3:35).
- Let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, D&C 59:13–14
- Ye shall continue in prayer and fasting, D&C 88:76
When you apply for a Chinese Visa it's kind of a Catch-22. You have to have your airline ticket reservations and place to stay documented when you apply for the Visa. This made me a bit nervous when I bought the airline tickets. I got thinking, "What if they don't approve our Visas? Then what?" So I bought travel insurance, just in case. I was very happy to get the phone call yesterday saying the Chinese Visas were ready to be picked up.
Here are the directions to apply for a Chinese Visa. PLEASE GATHER, PREPARE AND SEND THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: Valid Passport: You must send the actual passport. The passport must have at least twelve (12) months validity remaining before expiration and has at least one complete blank visa page for the visa stamp.
Visa Application Form: Download, completely fill-out and sign China visa application form. One form per applicant. *** Do not leave any areas blank but instead write "N/A" if you don't have answer to a question, or if the question does not apply to you. Additional Requirements for Minor: All minor applicants must submit a copy of birth certificate, and a copy of both parents passport. Photograph: You must provide one 2"x2" passport type photo. Supporting Documents: You must provide one of the following documents for a tourist visa. - Photocopy of the roundtrip airline ticket and hotel reservation.
- An Invitation Letter for Tourist Group of Invitation Letter for Tourist by a Duly Authorized Tourism Unit;
- An Invitation Letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions and individuals in China. If the invitation letter is issued by an individual in China, the photocopy of the ID of the individual is required.
The invitation letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions and individuals in China, shall include the following items: (A) Personal information of the application: name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc. (B) Information concerning the applicant's visit to China: purpose of the visit, date of arrival and leaving, places to visit, relationship between the applicant and the inviter, and who will bear the cost of the applicant's accommodations in China. (C) Information of the inviter: name of the unit or individual, phone number, address, and if applicable, seal and signature of the legal representative. * Generally, the invitation letter may be submitted as a fax, copy or printout. If necessary, the consular officer will ask the applicant to submit the original invitation letter, or to provide some supporting and supplementary documents, or schedule an interview.
Woohoo! We have reached the $24,000 needed to cover the Stem Cell Treatment cost! Thank you to everyone! We appreciate every single donation that has been given. There are no words to express the gratitude in our hearts for your kindness. We pray that you may be abundantly blessed for your generosity. Thank you, Marcus, Audrey & Ryan Crozier
Over the last week we've had some amazing donations! THANK YOU! Thank you!We are at $20,020 of the $24,000 needed before October 31st for Ryan's Stem Cell Therapy. To donate click here.There is an amazing story of a girl named Hailey that has been for Stem Cell Therapy in China. You can read more here. **This was Ryan's Halloween costume last year. A box with a cutout for eyes and hand.
We only have until October 31 to raise all of the needed funds for Ryan. If you are considering donating, this is the last month. The $24,000 payment must be made on November 1st. Please donate by mail or by Paypal. Make checks to Ryan Crozier. Our address is 5105 Edinborough Place, Sugar Hill, GA 30518. To donate with Paypal go here. Thank you so very much! *Our anonymous donor has agreed to continue to match all donations made in October up to $8000. Here is another video of someone who has gone for stem cell therapy: Seth was born in 2008 and was soon diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) and optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH)
Yay!!! Our anonymous donor has agreed to continue to match all donations made in October.
Please continue to share Ryan's website with your family and friends. www.HelpRyanSee.com
Thank you for all of your amazing support!